The Gift of Failure in My Office video series is available on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, my YouTube channel, and LinkedIn. To make life even easier, here’s a linked guide to all the episodes.

The Gift of Failure: let’s get started!

Giving kids the gift of failure

Falling off my high horse

My 9yo could not tie her own shoes. I did that to her.

My breaking point as a teacher

When did parenting go so off the rails?

Fear-based parenting

Spreadsheet parenting

Why I promised my kids I’d never put a college sticker on my car

Help kids build an internal barometer for self-worth

I don’t “just want my kid to be happy”

If “I just want my kid to be happy” doesn’t make kids happy, what now?

Intrinsic motivation and the holy grail of learning: flow

If you want kids to NOT want to learn math, pay them for their math grades

Extrinsic motivator cons: decreased motivation and creativity, more cheating

Okay, so how do we get intrinsic motivation?

Increasing choice in my classroom = more intrinsic motivation

Give kids more autonomy at home

More autonomy for kids: clear expectations, logical consequences

Logical consequences for kids when they fail to meet expectations

More on natural and logical consequences

Why I don’t take away electronics as punishment for not doing homework

Want to give kids more autonomy? Here are great places to start!

Please, can we back away from school portals, find my IPhone, and Life 360?

If we give rewards for grades we teach kids to value rewards more than learning

“How do I get my kids to take intellectual or emotional risks?”

Stop nagging kids about grades and start asking them about their goals

Personal goals offer a safe way to experience, process, and learn from failure

Kids who have been highly directed are less able to learn from challenging tasks

That look on a child’s face when they master something themselves? That’s everything.

Confidence and competence are not the same thing

Telling kids how perfect and brilliant they are when they struggle does not boost self-esteem

Some risky activities get riskier the longer we don’t let kids try them

Praise: how to do it right

Love the kid you have, not the kid you wish you had

Love the kids we have and not just in exchange for their performance

My kid left her homework at home, should I take it to school for her? (I)

My kid left her homework at home, should I take it to school for her? (II)

My kid left her homework at home, should I take it to school for her? (III)

Taking the homework would have made me feel good, but it would not have been the best thing for her

Autonomy-supportive parenting is not “anything goes” parenting

You may want the dishes facing east-west in the dishwasher but kids might try north-south. And that’s OK

How to give kids more autonomy around homework

How the one expectation of “do your homework” turned into six and a big revelation

So what are the consequences for my daughter leaving her homework at home?

Kids with more directive/controlling parents are less likely to be able to complete challenging tasks

When kids can’t persist with challenging tasks, they lose opportunities to learn

What are desirable difficulties?

A bit more about desirable difficulties

Never taught your kid how to do household tasks? That’s OK! No shame or guilt allowed!

Teaching kids essential skills: it’s laundry day!

Special Care Instructions: how I taught laundry skills

The first weeks of giving kids more autonomy: patience is key

Giving your kid more autonomy and worried about failure at school? Teachers can be allies!

Consequences = structure

What controlling/directive parenting looks and sounds like

What autonomy-supportive parents look & sound like

What kind of feedback should we give kids? Great question!

What kids lose when they have no household responsibilities

Household duties = purpose = better mental health

Scaffolding: supporting kids’ autonomy as they learn

Q: What could kids do given enough time & support? A: “Everything”

Is there a book that can help teach kids life skills? You betcha!

Should we pay kids for doing household duties? Absolutely not!

What can kids do? Household duties at all ages & stages

Household duties: what toddlers can do

Variability in ability re: ages and stages

Household duties for preschoolers?

Yep, preschoolers will make mistakes. How we react matters.

Childhood development isn’t a perfect linear slope

Focus on what kids CAN do rather than what they can’t

Want kids to help around the house without being asked?

What can adolescents do to keep the home running smoothly?

How to be a happier parent

Skirmishes on the playground? Let the KIDS resolve them

Intervene in sandbox skirmishes at your child’s SEL and academic peril

How to support kids’ conflict resolution without taking over

The rules of sibling fight club

Let kids see you make up after arguments

What is a parent’s role during play dates and sibling playtime?

Give your kid’s friendships space

How do I remember to let my kids fail in the heat of the moment?

Saying “Be careful!” does not make kids more careful