Episode 20: #AmBlogging, Should I Start a Blog?

...in which Jess and KJ talk blogging, KJ tries bullet journaling and Jess needs help keeping her butt in the chair on the road (even her Mom is helping).

(available on iTunes and AudioBoom)


"Bullet Journal" website
"The Tech-Savvy To-Do List: A Bullet Journal," the Wall Street Journal article on the Bullet Journal and its creator, Ryder Carrol


KJ's blog
Jess' blog
The thing KJ wrote that Jess totally loved, "I Woke Up Grumpy and Dragged Everyone Else Down, Too."
Jenny Lawson's ("The Bloggess") blog posts about the appearance of the mysterious duckling and the resolution of the duckling mystery.
David Perry's "This Mess"
VerySmartBrothas, or "VSB" and the writer whom I adore, but could not remember, is Damon Young, and he's AMAZING.
Betsy Lerner's blog
Betsy's classic book on writing and editing, The Forest for the Trees, and her new memoir, The Bridge Ladies.

"What I know Now As a Teen With Dyslexia" by Anna Koppelman (not, as I said, "Anne." Sorry, Anna.)
"Ketchup Sandwiches and Other Things Stupid Poor People Eat" by Anastasia Basil
Textbook Amy Krouse Rosenthal by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld
The American Way of Eating by Tracie McMillan
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich
Stephanie Land's piece in Motherlode (now Well Family), "Learning to Walk in a Homeless Shelter"
Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America by Linda Tirado

You always can find K.J. here and Jess here