With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

In today's installment of The Parent-Teacher Conference, I am both teacher and parent, asker and askee. I need your help with a piece I am putting together about PowerSchool and the parent portal that allows for 24/7 access to students' grades and attendance. Here's what I am curious about:

1. If you are a parent, do you use the parent portal at your child's school?
2. How often?
3. What, in your view, are the pros to this kind of software?
4. Conversely, what are the cons?

5. If you are a teacher or administrator, does your school offer parent access to PowerSchool?
6. Who decided to grant access, the superintendent? Head of school? Principal? Committee?
7. How's it all working out at your school?

And, of course, if you have any thoughts on the topic, feel free to use the contact me form over there ------------>
or email me at teacherlahey AT gmail DOT com.
